Fast & reliable delivery

We only use the best worldwide shipping partners.

Hassle-Free Returns

You have 28 days to return all unworn items.

Leaders in quality

All products are checked for quality assurance before shipping.

Brand Ambassadors wanted

Brand ambassador - women wearing stylish business shirt

We are always looking for strong women from around the world to represent us and our mission to promote women in business with style. If you believe in empowering other women to be strong and stylish, apply to join the smart women who are ready already an Ambassador for

Rewards for Ambassadors

✔ Lifetime 20% discount on all clothing purchases for yourself,

✔ Earn 10% commission on any orders you generate, paid via PayPal,

✔ Access to our private Facebook support group,

✔ Exclusive rewards and early access to new products for review.

An Ambassadors role

✔ Post at least 1 high quality piece of content every month wearing clothing,

✔ Be a passionate and motivated role model, sharing encouragement and support with your followers,

✔ Let us know what you think about your items and help us to make constant improvements.

How to apply 

✔ Start by liking and following our Instagram and Facebook page

✔ Contact with the following details

✔ Details about any and all your social platforms where you will be sharing your new stylish business look.

✔ Preferred sizes, colour and items off the web-site.

Next step 

One of our team will review your application and feedback upon a successful application, giving you exclusive offer codes and giveaways for your followers. Discounts and gift free samples for yourself upon awareness.

Contact form